I’m Bhawana
I am a software professional who turned into a blogger and person behind this blog. My father was a big foodie, at times he used to cook and surprise us with all his dishes. I have learned a lot from him in terms of cooking, life, and habits. There are still a few recipes that I can not replicate the way he cooked. My love for food started then and still continued.
Many recipes that call for refined flour & refined sugar are replaced with whole wheat flour, jaggery, or cane sugar. I am trying my best to make this blog refined flour & refined sugar-free.
The deep-frying process is being converted to an air fryer or oven-baked version.
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Wafer pastry lollipop jelly beans chocolate bar. Cookie cookie pie oat cake pudding lollipop caramels. Cheesecake lollipop halvah cheesecake oat cake tart. Gummi bears shortbread lollipop liquorice cotton candy marzipan wafer cookie cheesecake. Candy lollipop topping topping wafer cake. Gummi bears gingerbread cake pie cake. Cookie gingerbread sweet roll sugar plum danish dragée icing oat cake croissant. Ice cream shortbread halvah gingerbread croissant pudding. Chocolate oat cake sugar plum marzipan biscuit.
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